What do you think about this?

1) Strategic decisions need to be taken (and announced) just a minute before the final moment after which it would be too late to do so, not a slight bit earlier than that.

2) How could one speak for another person with confidence?

3) How could one, without any inner doubts, make firm statements about the future?

4) How could one give a promise to another person, fail keeping it and then, without giving own sincere apologies and explanations, expect to be able to maintain the previous relationship, also that he/she would continue to be treated as an adult, a responsible and a trust-worthy person?

5) Who am I to judge?

6) Some people give importance to their word exactly as much as they pay attention to their own breathing. That is to say, they absolutely don’t think about it. Some others are ready to give their life for own words. All the rest have been evenly distributed between these two extremes...
How could one say that we all are the same?



"International Unselfish Center of the Good Will"